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Please view our Announcements page for current opportunities for Adoptive/Guardianship families to get involved in or to find out about upcoming events.

Path Beyond Adoption

Illinois families formed through adoption and guardianship from our foster care system, private and international adoption will find tools and information in one spot designed for their unique needs.

“On a yearly basis the 1800R letter is mailed to parents who have adopted or taken guardianship of a former Youth in Care. Previously this letter was sent as a reminder and parents/guardians voluntarily returned them to DCFS. Each parent/guardian is required to respond to this letter. The Department is sending this eligibility recertification letter as a reminder that DCFS needs to know if anything has changed in your family and to provide you with two options of communication. Please returning the completed questionnaire on second page of this letter or contact our Subsidy Support phone line 866-538-8892.

Please ensure that every year you are responding/completing and returning this letter or contacting the Subsidy Support unit for each of your children. If you have questions or are having a difficult time returning the letter, please contact your Subsidy Support specialist or anyone on the Subsidy Support unit at 866-538-8892.”


The dates listed below are the estimated dates board checks will be mailed from Springfield. Payment should be received
within seven days from the date shown. Call the Central Payment Unit with payment questions at 1-800-525-0499, option 2.
Avoid mailing delays by going Direct Deposit – call 217-557-0930 or visit

Direct Deposit Payments should post to your account one state business day AFTER the date listed below.

If you do not receive your check AFTER 30 DAYS, you or your caseworker may request a stop payment at 1-800-525-0499, option 2.

Printable Version

1st Run 2nd Run
1/13/25 1/23/25
2/13/25 2/24/25
3/11/25 3/24/25
4/9/25 4/23/25
1st Run 2nd Run
5/8/25 5/22/25
6/10/25 6/23/25
7/10/25 7/24/25
8/11/25 8/21/25
1st Run 2nd Run
9/10/25 9/23/25
10/9/25 10/23/25
11/12/25 11/19/25
12/9/25 12/23/25
